Every Industry has Surplus, Coffee is No Different.
With nearly 100 million cups of coffee being consumed in the UK everyday, and surplus varying from 2-8%, the volume of waste is astounding.

We rescue, repackage and rehome all of our wonky pods
We rescue, repackage, rename, and rehome all of our wonky coffee pods. Every haul of rescued wonky pods goes to our Q Grader quality controller, the crème de la crème of coffee connoisseurs who puts the pods to the test and gives her expert opinion.

Wonky Coffee Has a Big Ol’ Personality
We examine our Q Graders’ notes on these little lost wonky pods and give them a new identity. Some are jokers, some are opinionated, some are wise, some think they’re life coaches and some, well some are just out of control. They might not be perfect, but one things for sure, these tiny little wonky pods have big ol’ personalities.